DOST’s Science for the People book series to feature S-PaSS
DOST’s Science for the People book series to feature S-PaSS S-PaSS Project Leader and DOST VI Regional Director Engr. Rowen R. Gelonga shared experiences and insights about the nationwide implementation of S-PaSS in an interview for the Department of Science and Technology’s (DOST) Science for the People book series. The book series is a project monitored by

Forum on new tech consultancy programs set under DOST SETUP
Forum on new tech consultancy programs set under DOST SETUP The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regional Offices VI and VIII recently held a virtual forum to orient and benchmark about the new technical consultancy programs to be implemented under the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP). Engr. Ernesto M. Granada, DOST VIII Regional

NSTEP Visayas, DOST VI lead capacity building webinars for researchers
NSTEP Visayas, DOST VI lead capacity building webinars for researchers The National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) Science and Technology Experts Pool (NSTEP) Visayas and Department of Science and Technology (DOST) VI successfully led a series of capacity building webinars for researchers, scientists, engineers, and artisits (RSEAs) in the region. Implemented under “Frontier Research Agenda

Biz innovation project pushes for digital transformation of MSMEs
Biz innovation project pushes for digital transformation of MSMEs The Youth First Initiative Philippines Inc. (YFI) continues to promote and sustain its advocacy to empower micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through business innovation. In partnership with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) VI, YFI established another project called the Bakal Lokal Innovation Program.

DOST pushes R&D, techno transfer and commercialization in SUCs
DOST pushes R&D, techno transfer and commercialization in SUCs Pushing the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Western Visayas to improve their scope in research and development (R&D) and on technology transfer and commercialization, the Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI) assists the faculty researchers of the West Visayas State University (WVSU)

2 new Balik Scientists join research centers, lab in Iloilo City
2 new Balik Scientists join research centers, lab in Iloilo City Two Balik Scientists, Dr. Julius Adam V. Lopez and Dr. Noel Peter B. Tan were introduced to the Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI) during the virtual courtesy call led by the University of San Agustin (USA) on March 14. “The

DOST awards new Junior level scholars
DOST awards new Junior level scholars A total of 92 applicants in Western Visayas successfully qualified for the Junior Level Science Scholarships (JLSS) of the Department of Science and Technology -Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI). Online orientation and signing of the scholarship agreement were recently conducted by the DOST VI Scholarship Section. The virtual event was

DOST assists UA on lab skills training
DOST assists UA on lab skills training The Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI) through its Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL) conducted an online training on Chemical and Microbiological Analysis, with the Introduction to Shelf-Life Testing, as part of the training series for the University of Antique (UA). Aside from providing

DOST VI spurs transfer of SUC-developed techs
DOST VI spurs transfer of SUC-developed techs Iloilo City – The Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI) Fairness Opinion Board (FOB) Secretariat and Technology Transfer Unit (TTU) promote the participation of the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Western Visayas in the generation, transfer, and utilization of its developed technologies for the