CALL FOR PROPOSALS! The WVCIEERD and DOST-PCIEERD invites you to submit research and development proposals in line with the industry, energy and emerging technology sectors. For more details regarding this call, email wvcieerd.region6@gmail or message WVCIEERD’s FB page. The WVCIEERD will be more willing to assist you with your proposals. #ScienceForThePeople

The DOST VI “Work from Home” scheme

The DOST VI “Work from Home” scheme as per office Memorandum No. 18 is EXTENDED from April 14 until April 30, 2020.This is in reference to the Executive Orders issued by respective LGUs in the region extending their enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) due to the pandemic situation.

Here are 5 important things you need to do while on ECQ

As we stay informed all the time, getting too focused on what’s happening outside our homes. We also need to focus on taking care of our mental and physical health.Here are 5 important things you need to do while on ECQ. Stay healthy while staying at home. #DOSTVI#ScienceForThePeople

DOST VI supports your needs in this time of crisis.

As you stayed working for us against the fight of this pandemic, DOST VI supports your needs in this time of crisis. 1,230 improvised face shields were donated to health care facilities and offices particularly to government hospitals identified to cater PUI, PUM, and COVID-19 positive patients. Thanks to our volunteer regional staff for this

DOH Hotlines

COVID-19 is powerfully deadly in some but mild in others. In an article by Sarah Kaplan, William Wan and Joel Achenbach of The Washington Post, “Respiratory viruses tend to infect and replicate in two places: in the nose and throat, where they are highly contagious, or lower in the lungs, where they spread less easily


To help flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases, here is our contribution to help our frontliners who are using PPE in their designated work spaces.HOW TO PROPERLY USE FACE SHIELDS