DOST Scholars facilitate online review for 2024 JLSS aspirants

Providing an opportunity to enhance the test-taking abilities of aspiring scholars, the DOST Scholars’ Association in Region VI (DOST-SAIS) conducted review sessions focused on Mathematics, English, Science, and Reasoning under Project LEADS at the conference room of DOST Region VI from June 28 to July 15.
The Mathematics review session was skillfully led by our dedicated scholar-volunteer tutors from West Visayas State University (WVSU): Jhon Marvin Penturas, a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Julie Ann Dela Cruz and Feb Anthony Rizano, both pursuing Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics.

Meanwhile, Pauline Zapanta and Sarah Rose Linas from West Visayas State University addressed linguistic conundrums, sentence structure, vocabulary, and reading comprehension on July 4.
Additionally, scholar-volunteers from UPV, USLS-Bacolod, and WVSU assisted aspiring scholars in mastering complex science concepts and challenging topics during the third session on July 5. These volunteers included Janry Kyle Salcedo and Rannah Chylla Reyes from WVSU, Lesley Feil Ferrer from UPV, and Ken Patrick Bucayan from USLS-Bacolod.

Lastly, during the final session held on July 15, Alena Mates, Jesette Mendez, and Kyla Catequista dissected arguments in verbal reasoning, challenged assumptions in spatial reasoning, and honed critical thinking in mechanical reasoning.

Project LEADS is a 2024 Junior Level Science Scholarship (JLSS) review initiative in collaboration with DOST Science Education Institute’s The Filipino Patriot Scholars Program and numerous Scholars’ Associations across the country, with the mission of providing a comprehensive and engaging online review program for aspiring DOST scholars. Through this initiative, it also aims to increase the passing rate of the registered participants in the upcoming JLSS examination scheduled for July 28, 2024. In Western Visayas, Project LEADS is a joint-effort between DOST-SAIS and the West Visayas State University Association of DOST Scholars (WVSU-ADS), with the support of the S&T Human Resource Development Section (STHRDS) of DOST Region VI. (MLArticuna, photos by KMO/DOST-SAIS)