Caluya National High School (NHS) was recently installed with the latest version of the STARBOOKS or the Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly-Operated KioskS software.
School teachers were also given a re-orientation of STARBOOKS’ updated features and a system demonstration to better showcase its functions.
The STARBOOKS activity was spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Antique Provincial Science and Technology Office (PSTO) headed by Engr. Eleazar Salvador T. Moscoso, Provincial S&T Director, and staff.
STARBOOKS is a stand-alone information source designed to reach those with limited or no access to science and technology (S&T) information resources. The technology was developed by the DOST-Science and Technology Information Institute (STII).
Caluya NHS have been using STARBOOKS since 2018. The STARBOOKS software was updated to provide instructional materials for most subjects under the K-12 curriculum. With this, teachers are better equipped to enhance their instructional practices.
For more information about DOST’s programs and services here in Western Visayas, reach out to us through the DOST Provincial Science and Technology Office in your province: https://old-website.dost6.ph/contact-us/.