Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is a serious health concern that weakens the immune system, hinders child development, and increases maternal risks. To combat this, DOST-FNRI developed Iron-Fortified Rice (IFR)—a scientifically proven, cost-effective, and sustainable solution to boost iron intake among Filipinos.

Why Choose Iron-Fortified Rice?

Iron-fortified rice is enriched by blending Iron Rice Premix (IRP) with regular rice using an efficient blending machine. It looks, cooks, and tastes just like ordinary rice—but with added health benefits!

✅ Easy to Prepare – Can be washed and cooked like regular rice

✅ Nutrient-Rich – Just 4 to 6 cups per day provide over 50% of your daily iron requirement

✅ Proven Effective – Helps combat iron deficiency and improve overall health

Be an Adopter Today!

We invite rice millers, entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and LGUs to be part of this health revolution. Together, let’s fight iron deficiency and build a stronger, healthier community!

Comment below if you’re interested in adopting the technology or contact us at DOST Region VI now.

You may reach us through email at / or via phone number 033 320 0907 / 330 1565 / 508 6739.