Jordan, Guimaras – Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DOST VI, UPV-SOTECH and Guimaras State College (GSC) Collaboration on Food R&D. Rightmost is Dr. Rogelio Artajo, President of GSC, Dir. Rowen R. Gelonga of DOST VI (2nd from right), Prof. Emeliza Lozada, Dean of SOTECH-UPV (3rd from left), Dr. Methusela C. Perrocha, Campus Administrator GSC Mosqueda Campus (2nd from left) and Dr. Emelyn P. Flores, leftmost is ARD for Technical Operations of DOST VI. The purpose of the MOU is to build and enhance collaboration and development efforts amongst parties in the areas of research and development, transfer and sharing of information, knowledge and expertise, and educational trainings. (MASASalazar/DOST6)