Celebrating Data and Digital Transformation: DOST VI joins statistics month in Capiz
The Department of Science and Technology VI (DOST VI) takes part in the 35th National Statistics Month (NSM) Celebration organized by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in Capiz. The celebration officially kicked off with an opening program at City Mall Avenue, Roxas City on October 11, 2024 with the theme, “Advancing Data and Statistics Through Digital Transformation: A Road to an Empowered Nation”.
The DOST Capiz Provincial Office emphasized the importance of digital transformation by presenting data from Project Signal, a unified online platform for reporting critical incidents and disasters, covering the period from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024. Project Signal streamlines communication across multiple levels of Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs), georeferencing reports and enabling real-time monitoring and response coordination.

The system automatically receives reports from registered users, which are then processed and displayed in real-time on a geospatial map. This empowers emergency responders to act promptly on incidents while allowing neighboring EOCs to provide timely support when necessary. By leveraging data-driven decision-making technologies, Project Signal helps Local Government Units (LGUs) enhance their capacity to respond to emergencies more efficiently and safely.
The presentation highlighted key data points, such as the total number of incidents reported across the province, a breakdown of the top three incidents per municipality, the number of users and operational EOCs, and a comprehensive time series analysis for the year.
This data demonstrates the critical role of digital tools in improving emergency response and resource allocation, ultimately paving the way for more resilient communities. By showcasing Project Signal’s impact, the DOST Capiz reinforces its commitment to fostering an empowered nation through the use of advanced data and statistics. (VBDelaPena/DOST Capiz)