To support and improve the economic and social conditions of Barangay Binuntucan in municipality of Pontevedra, Capiz State University (CapSU) Pontevedra Campus, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Capiz Provincial Office, Pontevedra Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO), Brgy. Binuntucan officials and farmers embarked on a learning visit to Philippine Carabao Center-West Visayas State University (PCC-WVSU) in Calinog, Iloilo with the aim of establishing a benchmark in dairy farming.
During their visit, a local carabao farmer assisted by PCC-WVSU demonstrates standard practices on animal handling and the milking process of a crossbred carabao. They also visited the laboratory where the participants were taught about the quality control of raw milk, this includes testing for purity, freshness, and microbiological safety. They also learned how to pasteurize milk for product development. In addition, practical knowledge on sustainable agriculture and livestock farming were gained by the participants through interactive sessions and demonstrations.

The benchmarking activity is CapSU Pontevedra Campus’ initiative in line with the implementation of the Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) project entitled “Enrichment of Community through Science, Technology, and Innovation in Brgy. Binuntucan, Pontevedra, Capiz.”
The insights that will be gained from this activity will be used to improve the current agricultural practices of the farmers and contribute to the socio-economic development of the barangay establishing dairy farming as a sustainable source of livelihood for the community. (LNGGebauer/DOST Capiz)