The Department of Science and Technology – Forest Products Research and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI), in coordination with the DOST VI – Aklan Provincial Science and Technology Office (Aklan PSTO), conducts Charcoal Briquette Production Training for the Local Government Unit of Makato (LGU Makato) at the Fish Landing Center in Barangay Baybay, Makato, Aklan.
The training, attended by 47 participants, was part of the ongoing project of LGU Makato with DOST VI under the Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) program. The project aims to address the community’s needs through five key areas: economic development/livelihood opportunities, environmental protection and conservation, human resource development, health and nutrition, and strengthening of community governance.
In line with the environmental protection and conservation efforts, the Charcoal Briquetting Technology adopted under the project was assessed and tested. A training session on the use of the technology was conducted by DOST-FPRDI Senior Science Research Specialist Engr. Amando Allan DM. Bondad and Science Research Specialist I Angela I. Balais.
DOST’s Charcoal Briquette Production Technology produces easy to ignite, slow-burning, and almost smokeless charcoal briquettes. These emit more intense heat per unit volume. With the use of this technology, we can transform low-value agro-forest wastes, such as coconut shells and husks, coffee bean hulls, and sawdust, into high-quality charcoal briquettes. The briquettes can substitute for liquified petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene, and electricity. They are also less messy and easier to handle than ordinary charcoal because they are compact and uniform in size.
Interested in other forest products innovation and technologies? Visit your nearest DOST Provincial Office to learn more about our training, technology transfer, and other technical services. (IASacapaño, DOST-Aklan) #DOST6 #OneDOST4U #FPRDI #CEST