DOST to establish natural dye production hub in Negros Occidental
The DOST Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST PTRI) sets up for the establishment of a natural dye production hub in Negros Occidental.
DOST PTRI together with DOST VI recently visited Central Philippines State University (CPSU) to discuss the project Fostering the Revitalization of Nascent Textile Innovation Ecosystems in the Regions (FRONTIER).
Under the project, DOST in collaboration with CPSU will create a NatDye (Natural Dye) Hub and Facility in Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental to produce dye sources and explore additional sources.
University President Aladino C. Moraca emphasized the interest of CPSU in the FRONTIER project, which will also benefit their ongoing programs with the weaving community.
Kimberly P. Viron, Science Research Specialist II and Project Leader; Randy A. Sales, Project Technical Assistant IV; and Xena B. Guela, Project Administrative Assistant I composed the team from DOST PTRI. (RRRGarcia/DOST Negros Occidental)