Research study on coconut hybridization in Western Visayas begins
The Capiz State University (CapSU)-Burias Campus has initiated a significant project focused on advancing coconut hybridization in Western Visayas. The research titled, “Utilization of the Coconut Germplasm Collection at the Coconut Breeding Trial Unit (CBTU) for the Advancement of Coconut Hybridization in Western Visayas” commenced its implementation with a productive inception meeting held on February 22.

Key stakeholders including representatives from the Department of Science and Technology VI (DOST VI), Crops and Research Division of DOST-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD), Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), Coconut Farmers Industry Development Plan (CFIDP) Program Management Office, and CapSU convened to discuss ways to effectively implement the project.

The research has three (3) project components, (1) Rehabilitate the Germplasm Collection at the Coconut Breeding Trial Unit (CBTU) in Capiz and Optimize Cultural Management Practices led by Mr. Francisco T. Lutao, Jr.; (2) Utilization of the CBTU Germplasm Collection as Parent Materials and Pollen Sources for Hybrid Nut Production with Dr. Salvacion J. Legaspi as the project leader; and, (3) Development of a Hybrid Coconut-based Cropping System headed by Ms. Lailanie Abalde. These projects were approved and funded by the DOST-PCAARRD Coconut Hybridization Program of the CFIDP under RA 11524 and implemented in partnership with PCA.
The DOST VI represented by the DOST Capiz Provincial Director Juafe M. Abareles conveyed their commitment to support the project and the inception meeting concluded with agreed action plans. Through this project, DOST VI is looking into better quality seednuts and higher production of coconuts in Western Visayas. (JMAbareles/Capiz PSTO)