S&T learning system enchances education in Iguirindon Elementary School
Iguirindon Elementary School in San Remigio, Antique enhances its educational capacity with the introduction of Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly-Operated KioskS (STARBOOKS). The initiative, spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Antique Provincial Science and Technology Office (PSTO) is part of the assistance under the project, “Pivot for Success: Sustainable Development in Brgy. Iguirindon through CEST” which was funded under the Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) Program.
The school received two (2) desktop computers equipped with STARBOOKS software that aims to bridge educational gaps, providing students and educators access to thousands of learning materials for enhanced learning and research opportunities. To ensure optimal utilization of the technology, teachers and students of Iguirindon Elementary School underwent a technical orientation on the use of the software, facilitated by partners from the University of Antique (UA). (EDABut/Photos by TFBYnion/AntiquePSTO)