As part of its dedication to empowering women, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is actively participating in the 2023 Campaign on End Violence Against Women, which is observed anually from November 25 to December 12. This campaign is mandated by proclamation 1172, series of 2006. The main objective of the campaign is to raise awareness, promote gender equality, and encourage action against violence towards women.
Pledge/Commitment Board
The DOST VI personnel participate in the eVAW campaign by writing messages and pledges on the commitment board. This platform allow individuals to express their commitment in advocating safe spaces and supporting the #VowToEndVAW campaign.

Tee for Equality: Hand-Painted T-Shirt Contest
The main objective of this activity is to raise awareness about violence against women and promote gender equality. This contest is participated by the four (4) innovation teams of DOST VI namely G-FORCE, Team LEAP, One Team and Dos Rangers.

Employees of DOST VI participated in a competition held by DOST GFPS to name the GAD Center last December 21, 2023 during the Year-End Planning and NSTW Post-Evaluation Workshop.