The mobile application also known as SEAWAVeS app for small boats undergoes final testing.
The project, “Design and Development of a Low-Cost Mobile Data Acquisition System for Small Crafts”, led by Aklan State University (ASU) professor, Prof. Julie Ann A. Salido, is being funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD).
An orientation and demonstration on the usage and functionality of the “SEAWAVeS” app was conducted. The participants were requested to register on the mobile app and indicate the dimensions of their respective vessels. Then, the participants made a simulation of the sea condition to trigger an alert through text message. The message contained the alert level and the coordinates indicating the vessel’s last known location.
After the demo, the project team evaluated the overall conduct of the final testing activity. They gathered feedback from the participants to further improve the functionality of the app.
Project SEAWAVeS is acronym for “Sea-condition Emergency Alert and Warning Apparatus for Vessel Safety”. It addresses DOST’s goal to provide safer, cleaner and efficient maritime transport systems and services through S&T as stated on the Maritime Transport S&T Roadmap.
The final testing activity was led by the project team head by Prof. Salido in coordination with DOST-PCIEERD, DOST VI, WVCIEERD, ASU-Kalibo Campus and the Coast Guard Station in Aklan. (DOST VI-KMU with reports from DOST VI-RDMS).