Janelle Heavy Equipment Parts Supply and Machine Repair Shop in Aklan receives P3M worth of funding from the Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI) through the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program 4.0 Innovation-Enabling Fund (SETUP 4.0-iFund).
The firm engaged with the DOST SETUP program in 2019 for the upgrading of its equipment such as the acquisition of lathe, milling, boring, and shaping machines. With the SETUP 4.0, the assistance will not only address the need to upgrade their existing equipment but likewise to improve the process for fabrication of the c-purlin. Metal c-purlins are horizontal beams used to provide structural support in roofing.
Ms. Josephine C. Lim, owner of Janelle Heavy Equipment Parts Supply and Machine Repair Shop officially signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with DOST VI on May 4, 2023.
Interested to avail of the DOST SETUP 4.0 Innovation-Enabling Fund? Reach out to the DOST Provincial Science and Technology Office in your province using the contact information provided here: https://old-website.dost6.ph/contact-us/.