A training on the Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated KioskS or STARBOOKS, a digital library developed by the Department of Science and Technology-Science and Technology Information Institute (DOST-STII), was recently held at the Antique National School (ANS).
The training aimed to spur the interest of students in Science and Technology since the school is now on the face-to-face learning setup. The program with an opening message given by Mr. Roger A. Jomolo, Principal IV of ANS, and was followed by the lectures.
The resource speaker, Mr. John Jowil D. Orquia, presented an overview of the software followed by a system demonstration, and the installation of the STARBOOKS software on two (2) desktop computers. The participants were then given the chance to explore and check the system after the lectures.
With the successful training, ANS can now have access to a wide range of S&T information, which can be used as reference materials for academic and research purposes. With STARBOOKS, ANS can enhance the learning experience of students and encourage them to pursue S&T studies.