Some 2,226 children benefit from DOST E-Nutribun
A total of 2,226 children from the provinces of Aklan, Capiz, and Guimaras receive E-Nutribun or Enhanced Nutribun packs from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) via its respective Provincial Science and Technology Offices (PSTOs).
The E-Nutribun distribution and feeding program in Malinao, Aklan was facilitated by the Aklan PSTO in partnership with Filbake Food Corporation (FFC) which is an adopter of the said food technology, Municipal LGU and Health Office, day care workers from the different barangay-beneficiaries, and volunteers from the Kiwanis Club of Kalibo Ati-atihan. As part of the 30-day feeding program in the municipality which targets to aid 90 malnourished children, the first day of the program was attended by 40 children alongside their parents/guardians from barangays across Malinao.

Moreover, community children beneficiaries from Panitan and President Roxas in Capiz received E-Nutribun packs from the Capiz PSTO as part of the Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) program implementation in the province. The activity held in Panitan fed a total of 1,578 children and was conducted in partnership with the Panitan Municipal Planning and Development Office. On the other hand, a total of 478 children were fed with assistance from President Roxas Municipal Agriculturist Office.

The Guimaras PSTO alongside LGU Buenavista also facilitated the initial distribution of 240 pieces of E-Nutribun in line with the implementation of the CEST program in Buenavista, Guimaras. The project proponents target to implement a 30-day feeding program for 80 malnourished preschool-aged children from nine barangays identified by the Rural Health Unit (RHU).

As a ready-to-eat bread, the E-Nutribun contains 504 calories, 17.8 grams of protein, Vitamin A, and other micronutrients, as well as zero trans-fats and no cholesterol. The E-Nutribun is one of the many food technologies developed by the DOST-Food and Nutrition Information Institute (FNRI). Currently, food companies such as Filbake Food Corpration, AJJJ Bakeshop, and CM & Sons Food Products, Inc. have adopted the said technology for commercial use.