Irrigators, farmers attends DOST food processing and product packaging trainings
The Department of Science and Technology Provincial Science and Technology Office (DOST PSTO) in Antique and National Irrigation Administration (NIA) in Antique assists irrigators and farmers through a series of technology trainings.
Four (4) technology trainings on meat processing, Cassava-based product processing, Buko and Calamansi juice processing, and product packaging and labeling were held in line with NIA Antique’s Program Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP). These trainings were targeted to empower the participants to engage in value-adding activities to add up to their income.

The first training on meat processing stressed the importance of food safety. This was followed by training on product packaging and labeling which covered topics about Basics of Packaging and Labeling, Mandatory Labeling Requirements, and the overview of the DOST Packaging and Labeling Assistance Program.
The succeeding training on Buko and Calamansi juice processing introduced the procedures and required materials in making the product. Following this was the Cassava-based product processing training that gave an informative overview and presentation of the product materials and procedures. (KJRGagajena/DOSTVI-KMU)
#DOST6 #ScienceForThePeople #OneDOST4U #TechnologyTraining