3 enterprises in Aklan avail of SETUP 4.0-iFund assistance to improve firm operations
Three (3) enterprises in Aklan, namely, Paypa Builders, Jerus & Jethan’s Bakeshop, and Sunshine’s Breadmart avail of assistance through Department of Science and Technology Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program 4.0-Innovation-Enabling Fund (DOST SETUP 4.0-iFund) to improve overall firm operations.
The partnership was officially forged through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing at DOST’s Provincial Science and Technology Office (PSTO) in Kalibo, Aklan.

Paypa Builders, known for offering steel decks, color roofs, among other metal products, will undergo a project named “Product, Process, and System Improvement for Steel Deck Production of Paypa Builders” to improve their sales and production volume.
Meanwhile, Jerus & Jethan’s Bakeshop, whose project is dubbed “Product, Process, and System Improvement for Bakery Products of Jerus & Jethan’s Bakeshop”, has plans for production improvement by acquiring additional equipment. The bakeshop also targets to expand their market reach and increase their sales.
At the same time, Sunshine’s Breadmart is set to implement its project called “Product, Process, and System Improvement for Bakery Products of Sunshine’s Breadmart”. The project focuses on boosting their product quality in order to increase sales and tap into possible export markets.
#DOST6 #ScienceForThePeople #ONEDOST4U #DOSTSETUP4.0