DOST Iloilo leads product packaging and labeling seminar-workshop for UPV
The Department of Science and Technology Provincial Science and Technology Office (DOST PSTO) in Iloilo leads a product packaging and labeling seminar and workshop for the University of the Philippines Visayas College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Institute of Fish Processing Technology (UPV-CFOS IFPT).

UPV-CFOS IFPT sought assistance of DOST VI for an ongoing project under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Fish Right Project, entitled “Refinement of Processing Technologies for Identified Commodities in FMA 11”.
The project is funded by the University of Rhode Island and it aims to refine existing processing technologies to increase marketability of value-added products from the four identified commodities, namely, blue swimming crab, sardines, scallops, and squid.

With the help of the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 6 (DA-BFAR VI), identified beneficiaries for the project and participants for the seminar-workshop were Nasidman Small Fisherfolk Association (NASIDMAN), Baskal Operators Lo-ong Association (BOLA), and the Members of Bay-ang Fisherfolk Association. Other attendees were faculty, laboratory staff, and university research assistants from UPV-CFOS IFPT, representatives from DTI VI and DA-BFAR VI, and project staff and members of the USAID Fish Project.

Resource persons for the activity were personnel from DOST PSTO Iloilo, Ms. Janene L. Denila and Mr. Jan Renzel L. Tengco. Ms. Denila discussed the basic concepts, functions, and different types of packaging materials and packaging innovations. Mr. Tengco, on the other hand, introduced and enumerated the Philippine mandatory labeling requirements for food products. A workshop session on writing and designing products labels were also conducted as well as product assessments particularly for the bouillon and powders made from blue swimming crab soft shell components and carapace by the Members of Bay-ang Fisherfolk Association.(KJRGagajena/DOSTVI-KMU)
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