New health researchers begin WVHRDC’s Training Awards for Health Researchers

New health researchers in the region were qualified to the Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium Capacity Building Committee’s (WVHRDC CBC) Training Awards for Health Researchers in Region VI which will run for four-months and will be conducted via Zoom platform. The training program targets to empower neophyte health researchers in the region to become capable of generating quality health research for funding consideration.

The program kicked off with an orientation activity wherein seven (7) qualifiers from the Department of Health Western Visayas Center for Health Development, Capiz State University, Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod, University of the Philippines Visayas, and The Medical City Iloilo were acknowledged and introduced to their respective mentors.

Co-Chair of the WVHRDC and Regional Director of the Department of Science and Technology VI (DOST VI), Engr. Rowen R. Gelonga, challenged the training scholars to discover new knowledge, innovations, and technologies in health in his opening message during the activity. He also asked to ensure that the health proposals will be successfully implemented for the improvement of the health sector in the region.

His message was then followed with the presentation of the overview of the program by Dr. Alice Joan G. Ferrer, Chair of the WVHRDC CBC and Executive Director of the WVHRDC. In this presentation, she highlighted the roles and responsibilities of the training scholars in the program.

The first of the five (5) modules included in the training program was conducted a week after the orientation activity. The module covered topics on Technical Writing wherein resource persons were Dr. Ferrer of University of the Philippines Visayas, Dr. Ma. Delsa P. Gange of the University of San Agustin, and Dr. Ma. Socorro G. Leong-on of the University of San Agustin. In this module, trainees had the opportunity to present their individual research proposals and to have one-on-one consultation with the mentors and the resource persons.

There will be four (4) more modules to be conducted within the 4-month training period. A Graduation Ceremony is set by the end of the program on November 2022 after the deliberation of the research outputs by the WVHRDC’s Research Management Committee and Research Ethics Committee. This graduation ceremony will be conducted to recognize the most outstanding training scholar and all the research outputs produced during the training program.(KJRGagajena/DOSTVI-KMU)