DOST Capiz conducts site inspection for native chicken dressing facility
The Department of Science and Technology Provincial Science and Technology Office (DOST PSTO) in Capiz led by Provincial Director Juafe M. Abareles conducts site inspection for the proposed native chicken dressing facility at Tapaz Public Market. The facility is one of the deliverables of the Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology in Conflict-Affected Areas (CEST-CAA).

The facility aims to establish a consolidating/processing enterprise that shall handle the postharvest/processing and marketing of dressed native chicken products.
Site inspectors were Provincial Director Juafe M. Abareles, Mia C. Pielago, and Vanessa B. Dela Peña from DOST Capiz, Municipal Engineer Victorio Jimenez, Engr. Jay Galagate, and Municipal Assessor’s Office (MAO) personnel Jhel Giner and Bryan Paul Caspillo.
Before the site inspection, the team had a courtesy call with Tapaz Municipal Mayor Roberto O. Palomar. Mayor Palomar expresses his full support for the project currently implemented in Tapaz. (KJRGagajena/DOSTVI-KMU)
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