DOST VI holds technology trainings for food operators, fisherfolks
Two separate trainings on Food Safety and Mandatory Packaging and Labeling Requirements in the Philippines were held for local food operators and fisherfolks from two cities in Negros Occidental – San Carlos and Sipalay.

The first training in San Carlos City was requested by Investment Promotion Center – San Carlos City headed by Ms. Ma. Novah Dela Rosa-Sollesta, Special Operations Office III LEIPO Designate. Newly registered local food operators from San Carlos and the municipality of Calatrava, including carinderias, caterers, and home-based food vendors attended the event. A few of their products include spiced vinegar (sinamak), botanical supplements, and custom cakes and pastries.
Topics discussed during the training were Introduction to Food Safety; Food Safety Hazards, Personal Hygiene and Handwashing, and Cross-Contamination followed by Basics of Packaging and Labeling; and Mandatory Labeling Requirements of the Philippines. Afterward, the participants had one-on-one consultations with Engr. Wells Ruud Lego, Science Research Analyst of DOST VI regarding packaging and labeling services.
Furthermore, Dela Rosa-Sollesta also requested an ocular visit headed by Ellin Grace Andana, Science Research Specialist I of DOST VI, to the San Carlos City Public Market to observe to the food stalls, carinderias and kiosks, to give a recommendations/assessment to the establishments.
Meanwhile, the training in Sipalay City was requested by Technology and Livelihood Development Center – Sipalay with Ms. Stella Maris Noemi Chua, Community Affairs Assistant I. Participants comprised of members of Brgy. 2 Sipalay Fisherfolks Association (BIISFA) who are known for their processed food products including dried and smoked “Barongoy” or flying fish as it is the most abundant fish in the city.
An assessment of the facility headed by Andana was conducted to make recommendations before the training kicked off. During the training, an Orientation on Food Safety followed by an Orientation on the Basics of Packaging and Labeling; and Mandatory Labeling Requirements of the Philippines took place. Afterward, a forum was conducted to discuss the assessment of their facility with Andana followed by a consultation for the packaging and labeling of their products with Engr. Lego. (KJRGagajena/DOSTVI-KMU)
#DOST6 #FoodSafety #PackagingandLabeling