OFWs undertake Final Business Pitching

Batch one of Department of Science and Technology’s (DOST) Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines (iFWD PH) program beneficiaries took part in a Final Business Pitching as part of the iFWD PH Phase I: Capacity Building for the Development and Management of Technology-based Enterprise.

The Final Business Pitching is part of the conclusion of 14 Core Business Development Sessions of the program.

The first batch comprised of 13 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and joining them in participating were the Regional Coordinators and Shepherds from Regions IV-A, VI, X and CAR.

Part of the Final Business Pitching is presenting to a panel a background of their planned businesses plus their products, Business Model Canvass (BMC), Summary of needs for funding, Summary of Financial Projections, and the Company’s Organization Structure.

As of this writing, the OFWs of Batch I have yet to receive their Certificates of Completion for the Concluding Ceremony to be held on July 20 via Zoom.