WV R&D community spearheads harmonization of tech transfer protocol in SUCs
A series of consultation meetings led by the Western Visayas Consortium for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (WVCIEERD) were conducted with participants from the different State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the region.
This effort is being led by Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, WVCIEERD Executive Director and Vice President for Research and Extension of Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U), together with other personnel from the said university.

Representatives from private Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) were invited to participate in a meeting hosted by Carlos Hilado Memorial State University (CHMSU) to gather current practices in technology transfer. In attendance were the Technology Transfer Officers (TTO), Research Directors, and Intellectual Property Management Officers (IPMO) of SUCs in Negros Occidental such as CHMSU, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology (NONESCOST), Central Philippine State University (CPSU), and some SUCs in Panay such as Northern Iloilo State University (NISU), Iloilo State College of Fisheries (ISCOF), and University of Antique (UA). Furthermore, another consultation meeting on June 6 was conducted at West Visayas State University (WVSU) to finalize the comments on the draft Technology Transfer Protocol, from other SUCs and HEIs in the region.
The series of activities presented a better appreciation of the importance of fully utilizing the results of research and development (R&D) in the academe, particularly through licensing and creation of spin-off or startup companies.
The harmonized protocol targets to define policies, strategies, and processes or procedures to be adopted by the SUCs to identify, protect, manage, and commercialize Intellectual Properties (IPs) and/or Intellectual Properties Rights (IPRs) generated from R&D funded by the government.
Presently, the consortium is consolidating comments for the draft Technology Transfer Protocol. This will then be presented to the Regional Research, Development and Innovation Committee (RRDIC) to solicit comments before its endorsement to the Regional Development Council VI (RDC VI) for adoption of all SUCs.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Region VI currently sits as Chair and Co-Chair of the RRDIC and WVCIEERD, respectively, and serves as Secretariat of both. It is also an active member of the RDC VI. (DOSTVI-KMU)