CPU visits CEST communities for pkg dev
In partnership with the Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI), Central Philippine University’s (CPU) BS Packaging Engineering Department reached out to varous communities across Western Visayas for packaging development assistance of their respective products.

These site visits are in line with the DOST’s Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) program wherein products from each site will receive assistance in product packaging and label design and subsequently helping them expand their market reach.
The BS Packaging Engineering majors were divided into four teams, namely, Team Beofhtwulf, Team Innovatus, Team Rerunts, and Team Crewgated. Each team was assigned an area in a specific province to carry out the needed assistance.
Team Beorhtwulf was assigned to visit Tinadtaran Piña San Roque Agrarian Reform Cooperative (TPAS ARC) in Guimaras for their Guimfields Ready-to-Drink Calamansi Juice and Calamansi Concentrate. Team Innovatus was assigned to Nagpana Minorities Association (NAMIAS) in Iloilo for their Kape Miro. Team Rerunts was assigned to Tibiao Technohub in Antique for their Bottle Bangus in Oil. Team Crewgated was assigned to Canlandog Pilot Agro Forestry Farmers Association (CPAFFA) for their Canlandog Mountain Coffee.

Moreover, the teams had interviewed their respective beneficiaries and presented their initial research and ideas about their respective products. As of this writing, the teams are preparing to present prototypes of each final design when the collaboration concludes.
#DOST6 #ScienceForThePeople #DOSTCEST