Mushroom grower receives tech skills training
The Samahang Mambubukid ng Brgy. San Nicolas is a mushroom grower association located in Tapaz, Capiz. This year the association faced an overproduction of mushrooms in their plant area. To address the current problem of overproduction, Mr. Isiderio Gevero, the association leader, tapped Ms. Jenny Ann Gabucay of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Negosyo Center Tapaz to request DOST’s assistance for training on Mushroom Processing.

The said training was participated by a total of twenty five (25) association members. Dr. Emelita P. Solante of Capiz State University (CapSU) was the resource person who discussed basic food safety before the actual demonstration of different mushroom processing technology such as mushroom chicharon, burger patty, bicol express, siomai, lumpia and pickles.
Dr. Solante is the Director for Community Extension Services Office and Project in charge of the Mushroom Research and Training Center of CapSU. She is assisted by Rae Norrien Solante-Ledesma, Associate II, Ramonita Caralde Verano, Extension Chair, CapSU Burias and Liezel B. Enetorio, staff of CapSU Mushroom Project.
Dr. Solante took the opportunity to visit the association’s mushroom growing plant area and gave recommendations on conditions that are needed for the mushroom to grow. Through this training, the association is expected to increase their livelihood income, address the overproduction as well as equip them with knowledge in the preparation of their mushroom products. (IDDelandao/MCPielago/Jgagajena/DOST VI KMU)
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