OFWs take part in iFWD PH and TeknoLokal orientation
24 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) participated in an orientation on the Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines (iFWD PH) and TeknoLokal programs hosted by the Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI).
This orientation marks the second time the DOST VI has implemented the iFWD PH program which aims to grant opportunities to OFWs and their families in setting up technology-based enterprises and settle in their home country for good.
The program covers sectors such as food processing, furniture making, gifts, housewares, decors, agriculture, marine and aquaculture, metals and engineering, health and pharmaceuticals, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)/electronics, and Science and Technology (S&T) services.

Part one of the orientation discussed the overview of the iFWD PH program plus its Phase I Core Business Development Sessions that will run from May 11, 2022 to June 29, 2022. This phase will cover business concept development and business plan development.
Moreover, Phase II consists of innovation funding to start up a business courtesy of the Innovation Enabling-Fund (iFund), continuous TeknoKonsultasyon with technology experts, and business matching opportunities with DOST’s partners.
Part two tackled TeknoLokal or presentations of DOST trainings and technologies for adoption which covered what technology trainings the DOST VI offers in the region and the process on Adoption of DOST Technologies for Public Good, Extension, and Commercialization.
#DOST6 #ScienceForThePeople #iFWDPH