WVHRDC hosts orientation on R&D proposal prep for PCHRD funding
An orientation on Preparing Research and Development (R&D) Proposals for Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) funding was conducted by the Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium-Research Management Committee (WVHRDC-RMC) via Zoom, March 25.
The primary goal of this activity is to promote the Call for Proposals of the PCHRD and WVHRDC and to guide researchers in preparing research proposals as a way to persuade more researchers to submit to the call of the two aforementioned organizations.
Topics such as eligibility and documentary requirements, Line-Item Budget (LIB) preparation, general criteria for project proposal evaluation, proposal preparation, among others were discussed to give participants an idea of how to secure funding for upcoming R&D projects.
Furthermore, the orientation concluded with an announcement of the consortium’s upcoming activities for 2022.