REMB conducts orientation on Research Ethics Review, Establishment and Accreditation of Research Ethics Committee
The Regional Ethics Monitoring Board (REMB) VI led by its Regional Committee on Information Dissemination, Training and Advocacy (RCIDTA) hosted the Orientation on Research Ethics Review, the Establishment and Accreditation of Research Ethics Committee to the research coordinators, members and staff of the Research and Extension Unit of the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (CHMSC) via Zoom, March 31.
The primary aim of this activity is to foster awareness among State Colleges and Universities (SUCs) on the significance of establishing a Research Ethics Committee (REC) as well as orient them on the mechanisms on how to support and guide institutional, regional, or cluster RECs in the preparation and process of their Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) applications.

Also relevant is that CHMSC is establishing their REC and the drafting their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as of this writing and the orientation served as guide for their application for PHREB accreditation.
Discussed in the orientation was a lecture on PHREB Accreditation standards by by Dr. Evelyn Reinoso, member of the Regional Committee on Standards and Accreditation (RCSA) of REMB VI and of the PHREB and FERCAP accreditors, who highlighted the six standards namely:
- Functionality of the structure and membership of the REC
- Adequacy of the Standard Operating Procedures and consistency of its implementation
- Completeness of the Review Process
- Adequacy of the After Review Procedures;
- Adequacy of the administrative support for the REC activities
- Efficient and systematic recording
In addition, a second lecture on Research Ethics Review by RCIDTA chair Prof. Lerma Paris took place which tackled the rationale of a REC, the review process which covers committee guidelines, roles, and responsibilities, and the elements of research ethics which comprised of
- social value
- informed consent
- risks, benefits, and safety
- vulnerability of participants
- privacy and confidentiality of information
- justice
- transparency
Moreover, a follow-up activity was also planned wherein CHMSC’s Research and Extension Unit will closely coordinate with the REMB VI in their REC’s organization and accreditation.
Furthermore, the RCIDTA and RCSA of the REMB VI plans to continue conducting orientation activities and advocacy campaigns on REC establishment, accreditation, and review to Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and SUCs in response to the growing need of support for various institutions in organizing and accrediting their respective RECs.