DOST awards new Junior level scholars
A total of 92 applicants in Western Visayas successfully qualified for the Junior Level Science Scholarships (JLSS) of the Department of Science and Technology -Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI).
Online orientation and signing of the scholarship agreement were recently conducted by the DOST VI Scholarship Section. The virtual event was attended by 88 students from various universities accredited by DOST.
The orientation activity aims to provide the scholars with their parents or guardians on the scholarship privileges and obligations. The scholars and parents are likewise given the opportunity to air their concerns in the open forum. Among the matters discussed are academic deficiencies, submission of periodic requirements, service obligations, RA 10931 of the Universal Access to Quality Educations by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

JLSS scholars will enjoy the same privileges with the Undergraduate Scholarship Programs under the RA 7687 and Merit Scholarships such as tuition and other school fees, book, transportation, and other allowances, including group accident insurance. Moreover, JLSS qualifiers under RA 10612 are entitled to a teaching item, Special Science Teacher I under the Department of Education (DepEd). They will teach full-time high school subjects in the secondary education curriculum. RA 10612 is an Act Expanding the Coverage of the Science and Technology (S&T) Scholarship Program and Strengthening the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in Secondary Schools or otherwise known as the “Fast-Tracked S&T Scholarship Act of 2013”.
The JLSS is open to regular third year college students taking a priority S&T course at an identified university and must have a grade of 83% or better in Math and Science and no failing grade in any academic subject. The scholars will render service equivalent to the minimum number of years he/she enjoyed the scholarship. He/She will work full-time preferably in his/her home region and preferably within his/her field of specialization.