DOST assists UA on lab skills training
The Department of Science and Technology Region VI (DOST VI) through its Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL) conducted an online training on Chemical and Microbiological Analysis, with the Introduction to Shelf-Life Testing, as part of the training series for the University of Antique (UA).
Aside from providing chemical, microbiological, and calibration services in Western Visayas, the DOST VI RSTL also renders technical assistance such as trainings to other laboratories in the region. The activity with UA will assist and train its researchers, analysts, and project staff in support of the establishment of the Integrated Research and Development Laboratory (IRDL) in collaboration with the DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD). Moreover, UA also needs lab skills training for its project with the DOST-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) titled, “Regional Agri-Aqua Innovation System Enhancement (RAISE)”, which aims to support the UA-developed technologies for commercialization.

The hands-on training on chemical testing on food which will cover proximate analysis and evaluation of nutrition facts will be conducted for 2 weeks followed by an on-site training on microbiological analysis of food and water at DOST VI RSTL. Before the training proper, the participants were given orientation on Good Laboratory Practices in Chemical and Microbiological Testing.
The DOST VI RSTL is accredited by the Department of Health – Bureau of Health Facilities and Services (DOH-BHFS) as a water testing laboratory, by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food testing laboratory, and the Department of Trade and Industry-Philippine Accreditation Bureau (DTI-PAB) based on the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017. (SSalazar,DOST VI-KMU)