DOST promotes study on the standardization of natural dyes in Aklan
The Department of Science and Technology through its Philippine Textile Research Institute (DOST-PTRI) recently visited a community in Brgy. Galicia, Madalag, Aklan to conduct a research study under the DOST-Grants-in-Aid (GIA) project, “Colorimetric and Performance Standardization of NatDyes Produced in Various NatDyes Hubs in the Philippines”. The activity was facilitated by the Aklan Provincial Science and Technology Center (PSTC).

The study is conducted in coordination with the Non-Timber Forest Products-Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) and Aklan State University (ASU). The project aims to standardize, document, and create a grading system for the Indigo dye and other dyes produced in the Philippines.

Indigo plant is among the priority natural dye sources included in the DOST Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD). In Western Visayas, Indigo plant is abundant in the province of Aklan, particularly in the municipality of Madalag. DOST-PTRI relentlessly pushes all its research and development efforts in reviving natural dyes hubs in the country and enhancing the Philippine indigo production in a more scientific approach.

During the visit, PTRI personnel presented the overview of the project to the partner community, dispatched necessary implements for the propagation and cultivation of the Philippine indigo (Indigofera tinctorial L.) in the area, turned over monitoring system devices such as temperature and humidity meters, and collected samples for documentation. (NABFactuar/SSalazar, DOST VI-KMU)